IOCL Exam 2019: Indian Oil Corporation Limited Junior Engineering Assistant-IV Results Out at | Earth Indian

IOCL Exam Result 2019: The Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has announced the result of written exam conducted to recruit suitable candidates for Non-Executive posts including Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) and Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire and Safety). Candidates are requested to check their scores on the official website of IOCL, i.e.,

Here’s How to Check Your IOCL Exam Results 2019: 

Step 1: Visit the official website of IOCL i.e.

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the careers tab and then select the ‘latest job opening’ section.

Step 3: Now click on the link which says, “List of candidates shortlisted for Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test for recruitment of experienced non-executive personnel at Guwahati Refinery on the basis of Written Test held on 17.11.2019”.

Step 4: A PDF format document containing the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates will appear on the screen.

Step 5: After checking, download and take a print out of the same for future reference.

By Shivam Urkude || Earth Indian
